First, the flag:
A sun (red circle) with a white rectangle and a stick. That’s why Japanese flag is also called Sun flag.
Then, the base:
A piece of hardboard, corrugated board covered with colorful paper and glitter glue.
Combine them together, I believe it’s not that hard!)) But wait for a little bit, three more fishes are needed go through the stick.

Fish(carp) part:
A square paper, knife or scissors, white paper(mouth and eyes) and round sequins(scales)

All parts are done. Fit together.
In Japan, people hang the Koinobori (鯉のぼり) above the roofs of house on their Children’s Day, 5th of May. In a Chinese legend, “a carp swam upstream to become a dragon”, families wish their kids are like those carps growing stronger. So do not hesitate any more, make one with your kids for bright future.
Enjoy it!